Communicate change!
We know the quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: "If you want to build a ship, don't drum up men to procure wood, assign tasks and divide up the work, but teach the men to long for the wide, endless sea".
For the practice of leadership, this means creating in those who are supposed to do the hard work the motivation to want to do it. This motivation must be intrinsic, that is, it must come from within. You cannot motivate anyone, he/she has to do it himself/herself.
In this context, it is essential to convey a motivating picture of where the journey should go, but also to work out what the individual benefit of each individual person is for embarking on this journey.
That costs too much time, that is too much effort? Just think how much time, effort and, above all, nerves it would cost you to implement the necessary changes against persistent resistance! Not to mention the fact that young and younger employees on whom you urgently depend for your company's development, would not go along with this and change the company.
From the very beginning, communication must be an integral part of any change project, it must clearly identify the essential changes and consequences for each individual, honestly state the costs of change and clearly work out the benefits for each individual. Are you wondering how this can be organized? Here we recommend from a practical experience large group formats (events) such as, above all, the "World Café" or, in the case ofsmaller groups, the "Café to Go". This makes a start and creates the basis for further, sustainable communication of necessary change. Please contact me at any time with specific questions about this.
Yours, Christoph Seidl: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
P.S. This newspaper article refers to a change project of the City of Syke that we designed:
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